Donate-a-Book Turns Three!

Para-para-paraaaaaa….Para-para-paraaaa. Donate-a-Book turns THREE today! We are through with the not-so-terrible twos. As we turn a magical three, we look back at the last three years! 3 Years 348 Campaigns 1,33,602 Books Distributed 3,37,000+ Kids Impacted Thank you ALL for

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Opening a Book Together

“The kids couldn’t believe there was going to be a library in their school! First they kept asking whether a library was really going to be set up in their schools. When we said ‘Yes!´ their eyes widened and we could catch a sparkle dancing in their eyes. When they saw that

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Building a Book Bank!

In 2016, NIPUN set up a campaign on the Donate-a-Book platform to raise funds for the kids they were working with. NIPUN is a non-profit organization that works towards enhancing the quality of life of the needy and the vulnerable. They are currently working with

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